Have you ever

Wednesday, August 27, 2008 at 3:40 PM
Have you ever feel like......
Have you ever feel like want to run away from things in life?
Have you ever feel like just sleep and never wake up again?
Have you ever feel like want to get drunk?
Have you ever feel like smoking till you feel like vomiting?
Have you ever feel like nobody can understand you?
Have you ever feel like this world don't belong to u?
Have you ever feel like God is not fair?
Have you ever feel like life is a bitch?

It is just a stage in our life that we will have to live with it, even though it's hard.
You can cry your heart out, you can scream your heart out,


You can just take a step back and smile and let go, because you're doing just fine.
Everything will be just fine, everything will be better in time.

P/S: This post is dedicated to all my friends that is going through hard time right now. Be strong, we can go through this together.


  1. Anonymous Says:

    hey there. take care k? hope to catch ya soon. :) *hugz*

  2. cheewei Says:

    Hey Baby! We can make it through.. If not Tanil will bring us through.. Stay strong.. FEG always with you!!

  3. Anonymous Says:

    hey dear, remember?? 1 2 3 Passion!!! Remember!!! jia you

  4. Adrian Hew Says:

    passion!! haha...
    how's ur mmu holidays steve?

  5. Anonymous Says:

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