Letter to OCs

Thursday, July 10, 2008 at 1:27 PM
Dear OCs,

It had been a long time since we are gathered for the OC supper. I miss all of you so much, indeed very much. I am so used to see all of you, talking, joking, dancing and singing together as it there is no tomorrow. I feel my life is so empty right now, when I am doing nothing at home. What I can do is browse through the picture and refresh those beautiful memories.

How's your passion going on right now? Do you still have the passion running in you? Do you still remember those passionate moment we had together? I know everyone had been busy with your personal life right now, be it studies, class, student's activities or relationship. But, do not let the passion inner you go away, because it's the foundation of our friendship.

The first day of binding camp, we are stranger to each other, shy and ignorant.

We go through the obstacles that lies ahead us, with faith and trust.

Through the big winds....

Or even death....

The moment of passion, it's so warm and touching.

Sometimes we fight and argue....

From there we learn how to respect people when they're talking....

We learn about importance of teamwork

Even a small little thing can makes us so cheerful

We dance like crazy

We sing with passion

We have the passion!

Until the passion that makes us flying so high!

And in the end, we ask ourselves a question.
We are OCs!!!

I hope a simple letter like this, will bring us back the the memories that had been stored in our heart. Don't let the passion die...

Yours sincerely,
OC Steve

p/s: We should totally hang out again. Check out this blog for latest event coming soon, powered by CMG (Cyberia Mamak Geng)

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